Saturday, May 1, 2010

We Got Some Big Bows as Well.

A lot of folks think that just the Browns get big in the Truckee, but we have some big Bows as well like the one Adam from S.F stuck today. This Bow ate my Double Beaded Beatis, its a nymph with two tungsten beads that puts it in the strike zone fast. We also hooked and landed some other larger fish as well. Had one guy come up to try to eat some trapped air technology, funny. There are March Browns and BWOs hatching mid-day, and the fish care dining on them.


Unknown said...

Matt, those Thingamabobber Emergers you tied up sure were the hot fly last was cool that we found those old shucks on the side of the river too...really an underrated hatch. Adam

Matt "Gilligan" Koles said...

Went out and stuck one today on my Clockwork Orange Dry. Dumbass trout.
