Friday, May 22, 2009


High flows have made fishing tough this last week on the Truckee. If you worked hard you would still catch a few fish, but nothing like it was the week before. Today flows subsided and M.J. came up to do a Miracle Mile float with me. M.J showed up with a 12 pack of Coors some fried chicken and a great smile. Some nice rainbows were landed and some very big ones did not reach the boat. Another great day on the T. Previous in the week: Larry and I made an excursion out to the upper L.T., and Milton Lake. The water is still way to high both at Milton, and the Little Truckee. Believe it or not, Larry did hook a nice rainbow on the S.F. worm.

1 comment:

Brian J. said...

Wow, great blog! I was looking at the picture of the lahontan cutt you caught-- is this the same thing?:

fish caught in early marchIf so that's b.a. since I didn't think there were any lahontan cutts left in the truckee...

